Monday, February 19, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blog...

Feb. 19,2007


Suprise Suprise... I'm blogging !

I have no idea what to write but I'm sure that will come with time.

Love to you my Blogging Family


silversmith said...

Congratulations! We look forward to reading all of the blah blah stuff you blog about. When you get going, you won't be able to stop. love 'ya

silversmith said...
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Lisa said...

Yea, Vanessa! Welcome to the world of blogging - I was taking a peek at my dad's blog and was so excited to see your name on the sidebar! Can't wait to get/keep caught up with you and yours via your blog!

Elisa said...

Welcome welcome! Now you won't be the last to know about any future pregnancies:) We are not good phone people.

Serendipity said...

How exciting is this!? I'm so excited to hear that you'll be blogging! I need to add you to my sidebar!

Serendipity said...

Heard you were feeling sick...hope you are feeling better soon!