Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is for you Kari...

They are quite cute if I do say so :)


Serendipity said...

So cute! You must be proud!

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Ahhh! Thanks!

They're so is their mommy! (It must be a family thing, since her mommy, aunts and grandma are beutiful too!) I wish she were going to be in Utah for Christmas. We're going to drive out to Auburn at the end of June and back at the beginning of July. Maybe you can convince her to come visit you then and we can see her on our way through?

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Oh! And her children have beautiful aunts too. I just realized that Lindsey's beautiful aunts don't include their beautiful aunts. T, J, J, L, and A have always felt more like asibling group to me than aunts and nieces.

Did I ever tell you that when Amanda was maybe two, I'd decided that I was going to someday have little girls with the same names as your girls? I loved (and still do love) all their names. But, I didn't end up using any of the names I'd always planned on using, except for Dallin.

Lisa said...

Alicia keeps running into Lindsey at the hospital :) Sweet picture!