Monday, July 30, 2007

Garden Update

End of July Garden Update...
Wow, we have tons of green goin on!!!! The birdhouse gourd vines have busted out of their garden box, in fact they are creeping across our next door neighbors grass (they said they don't mind : )but that's about it green... no gourds yet... Our corn is getting taller, our squash is squashing, lots of yellow squash and zucchini, our cucumbers are a plenty, we have about 16 cantaloupe babies, green bean vines everywhere, no green beans though. Our tomatoes are finally starting to grow fruit, its just been way to hot... Some said it would not happen but... WE GREW ARTICHOKES : )
Cantaloupe in the front, growing wild and into the tomatoes and herb garden... green beans growing up the trellis, corn and tomatoes...

Birdnest gourds, they have a really soft minky leaf... the neighbor kids love to rub it, so do I...

The Pumpkin Patch... The rock wall you see was built with rocks from Dad Ray's house, thank you, I love having pieces of my family around me : )

Sorry, I guess I forgot to take pics of the Artichokes, I will post a pic tomorrow...

Last week we were so blessed to attend "The Ray Reunion".

We had the family reunion at a very special place this year. Our VERY SWEET sister Lisa and her VERY SWEET husband Craig, hosted our Reunion at there home in Zion's Ponderosa.
Regan and I took our trailer with us to help with sleeping quarters. Our little home away from home. Regan, Vanessa, Lindsey, Tyler, Bailey and Kennedy slept in the trailer. Danielle wanted to sleep in the house with her cousins, and so she did : )

We had such a good time... It is so sad that we don't all live close, but how wonderful that most could attend... All the Byron and Cheryl Ray children and their spouses were there. Regan and Vanessa, Lisa and Craig, Cristin and Pete, Shauna and James, and Darin and Elisa. All families had all their children there as well, with the exception of US... Regan and Vanessa were missing 3 of their children, I guess that's what happens when they grow up!!!! Cameron(18) made different plans (EFY), Jessica (27)had no more vacation time left and could not get off work :( and Amanda(23) also had to work... We missed you!!!!!

Wish our whole family could have been in the pic!


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Garden Shappin UP...

End of June Garden update... Things are growing, Bell Peppers of all colors, Peas, Birdhouse Gourds, Indian corn,cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkins, HOT peppers 3 kinds, tomatoes, sweet corn, green beans, cantaloupe and artichokes(I'm not sure if they will produce but they are fun)... then also our herb garden, thanks Dad Ray for the transplants, they have all lived so far...

We are hoping to have our grass in by September, Maybe the patio will be in also, and maybe it will have to wait til next year... The BBQ I bought Regan for Fathers Day is waiting for the patio to be done... (I have to admit Fathers Day was the excuse, I wanted the BBQ :) he he he

Happy 4th of July everyone... Were goin to the RODEO & FIREWORKS ;)

Last Minute Trip to Lake Havasu, Arizona

Regan and I made a Upholstery Run to Lake Havasu, we didn't stay to long though... At 9:00 pm Sunday night we went for a walk by the London Bridge and the temp was 108 degrees... Way to HOT. We delivered the Boat Seats at 6:00 am and the temp was 99 degrees, they expect the temp to be 125 degrees on July 4th... HOW DOES ANYONE LIVE IN THAT???

London Bridge

On our way home we went to Hoover Damn, We were thinking maybe a Ray Reunion 2009 here at Lake Mead, We can ride over the suspension bridge they are building over the damn... HOLY COW, hopefully you will be able to see the pilings they have started... Look at the little skinny sticks that are going to hold this bridge up... Check it out at: most amazing that we can do things like this. We walked around the Damn it was only 114 degrees there... Crazy Hot, but Regan and I got to spend 2 full days together just us, that doesn't happen to often and I cherish all the time we spend together, even if it was hotter than you can even believe !!!!