Thursday, November 27, 2008

always be thankful


Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too! So, did you stay up until 12 a.m. just so you could be the first one to post a Happy Thanksgiving message? Hope you had a wonderful day! I'm stuffed. Mark made the best Thanksgiving dinner...ever. The pies look awesome too, but I can't fit any of that in yet.

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Does Lindsey still have a blog? I tried to check it out, using the link on your page, and it says the blog isn't active. I want to see pics of her little family. Don't ask me why, since it only makes me feel old to see my little babysitee with kids the same age as mine. But, I still want to see how beautiful her family is.

Serendipity said...

We are thankful for YOU! Happy Thanksgiving!