Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 16 - 18

we had a green day on

st. patricks day...

friday i met tyler, lindsey and the kiddies at the salina exit to pick up the kids for the weekend... (tyler and lindsey ran a 1/2 marathon in moab on saturday.)

we spent saturday, st. patricks day doing green things (a few anyway)...

when we went to cedar city for kennedy's b-day, bailey and i read "the little red hen" and we decided that when they can to visit grandma and papa, we would make bread. and so we did... green bread, YUM YUM

we also made shamrock cookies with green frosting. (bailey let grandma and papa keep cookies, grandma gave them to papa :)

kennedy did'nt care much about anything green, she just walked around, and sat around looking cute! we love you so much, they were so good.

see what i mean !


Serendipity said...

Love the green bread idea...
I still can't get over your great quilt for Regan!

Elisa said...

Those cookies look goooood! Bailey looks so old! I can't believe how much he has grown.

Princess Muhmah and The Clan: said...

Talk about making me feel old! Those are Lindsey's kids? Wow! I babysat her when she was Bailey's age...even younger I think.

It sounds strange to hear you call yourself Grandma...that's your mom. I know I've been calling her a little old lady for over twenty years now, but...Yikes!...she's a great grandma now? I already knew that, but it didn't really hit me until you called yourself "Grandma".

Her kids are darling! They're close in age to my kiddos. Looks like Bailey is just a bit younger than Dallin, and Kennedy is a bit older than Isabel.